Preparing for Sunday, Mar. 5 | The Gospel Mission of Multiplication

Preparing for Sunday, Mar. 5 | The Gospel Mission of Multiplication

“I like ‘multi-‘…multiplicity, multicultural, multiplication, etc. Any contribution to diversification and value augmentation is achievement.”

– Rossana Condoleo, secular author and life coach

This Sunday we continue in the 13th chapter of Acts, and focus on the Gospel Mission of multiplication. What did this mean for the early Church? What does this mean for us? We invite you to read the Scripture passages below in preparation for worship Sunday morning.

Gospel reading: Matthew 28:16-20

Sermon Text: Acts 13:1-15 ; 44-52

A Prayer for Today: “O LORD, who for our sake did fast forty days and forty nights: Give us grace to use such restraint, that, our flesh being subdued to the Spirit, we may ever obey your godly motions in righteousness and true holiness, to your honour and glory, who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.” (Book of Common Prayer, 1662 – The First Sunday in Lent)

Music: “By Thy Mercy”


“The Church is the only institution that exists primarily for the benefit of those who are not its members.”

– William Temple, former Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury

“Worship… is the fuel and goal of missions. It’s the goal of missions because in missions we simply aim to bring the nations into the white-hot enjoyment of God’s glory…. But worship is also the fuel of missions. Passion for God in worship precedes the offer of God in preaching. You can’t commend what you don’t cherish.”

– John Piper, Let the Nations Be Glad!