A letter from our Senior Minister, Keith Paulus
Dear Friends and Visitors of Christ Church NYC,
On behalf of our congregation, I want to welcome you to our website. I hope you will find some information here which will be of help to you.
I hope that you will be able to see clearly that Christ Church ultimately exists for the glory of God. We understand that God created us in his image, but that we have turned our backs on him. However, he, in his great love, has made it possible for us to be forgiven and restored to a relationship with him through the life, death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is for this eternal relationship that we were made. We also understand that we were made to joyfully live out this relationship with one another in the community of a local church, as we weekly gather to sing and pray, to hear from God’s Word, and to grow in our love for one another.
We therefore consider it a great privilege to proclaim this good news of a restored relationship with God and with others, and to live out its life-changing implications for the greater well-being of New York City. We are thankful that God has placed us in this city at this time. So we hope that you will be able to join us on a Sunday morning, and to partner with us in our mission of glorifying God, glorying in God, and serving the city.
In Christ,
Keith Paulus
Senior Minister