Preparing for Sunday, Mar. 19th | The Nature of the Gospel

Preparing for Sunday, Mar. 19th | The Nature of the Gospel

“Apart from the gospel I’ll whine more than I’ll worship. Apart from the gospel I’ll judge people more than I’ll seek to understand them. Apart from the gospel I’ll get my feelings hurt quicker than being careful not to offend others. Apart from the gospel I’ll avoid people who want more from me than I want to give them. Apart from the gospel I’ll react selfishly to irritants (people and situations) rather than responding graciously. Apart from the gospel I’ll talk more than I’ll listen. Apart from the gospel I’ll think about me much more than I’ll think about you. Apart from the gospel I won’t risk anything, I’ll do just enough to get by. Apart from the banquet-of-gospel I’ll be reaching for junk food all day long, literally and figuratively. Father, show me what thinking, feeling and choosing in line with the truth of the gospel requires of me and then give me that supply!”

– Scotty Smith, Everyday Prayers For a Transformed Life

This Sunday, March 19th, we are in Acts 15. The title for this week’s sermon is “The Nature of the Gospel.” We hope this excerpt of our Sunday bulletin will be helpful to you as you read and pray in preparation for Sunday’s worship.

Sermon Text: Acts 15:1-21

Second Scripture Reading: Matthew 11:25-30

A Prayer for Today: “We ask you, Almighty God, to look upon the true desires of your humble servants, and stretch forth the right hand of your Majesty, to be our defense against all our enemies; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” (The Third Sunday in Lent – BCP 1662)

Music: “Praise to the Lord the Almighty”



Thy grace alone O God

to me can pardon speak;

thy power alone O Son of God

can this sore bondage break!

No other work save thine;

no other blood will do

no strength save that which is divine

can bear me safely through!

– Horatius Bonar, Everlasting Righteousness