Some Questions to Ask When Studying the Bible
| by Keith Paulus
During this past Sunday’s sermon, I mentioned a number of questions that we can ask of a Bible passage in order to help us really dig into it and examine it daily like the Bereans are said to have done in Acts 17:11. Here are some of the Bible study questions I have picked up over the years from various authors and speakers. I hope you find them as helpful as I have in your study of God’s Word.
- Why does the author use that word?
- Why did he put it there and not here?
- How does he use that word in other places?
- How do others use that word in other places?
- How is that word different from this other one that he could have used?
- How does the combination of these words affect the meaning of that word?
- Why does that statement follow this one?
- What is the logic of the statements and thoughts expressed here (is there a because, therefore, although, or in order that)? How does it all hold together?
- How do the ideas expressed here fit with the whole of the Bible?
- What does this passage teach me about Jesus and the gospel?
- What should be my response (are there any commands to be obeyed; promises to be believed; etc)?
- How should the gospel and Christ’s finished work on the cross affect my response (both in terms of my actions and affections)?