Lenten Season

Lenten Season

What is Lent?

From the beginning of March 2025 many people around the world will be entering into an observance of the season of Lent. Lent is the period of time in the church calendar that begins on what is traditionally known as “Ash Wednesday” and lasts for the 40 days (minus Sundays) leading up to Easter. This year Lent begins on March 5.

Lent is often observed by many churches in our Anglican tradition. To do so, however, is not required. There is no biblical mandate to observe Lent. But, much like Advent, it is a season which many have found that they can leverage for the good of their own discipleship as they give themselves to deeper prayer, Bible study, fasting, other forms of self-denial, and service.

More than anything, Lent is about the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is meant to help us focus on who Jesus is and what he did in his life, death, and resurrection. It is not merely about self-denial, but about filling our minds and hearts with the truth of the gospel of grace so that we might more fully rest in, delight in, and worship our rescuing God.

As such, you might find it helpful to set aside some special times for extra prayer on Sunday evenings throughout Lent, or to address a specific sin in your life and work to put it to death by the grace of God, or to read a good book. A relevant book you might find helpful this year is The Truth of the Cross by R. C. Sproul. Christ Church has also put together a Lenten devotional guide that you might find helpful (see below).

As we move towards Easter, may the Lord use this season to recalibrate our lives and reorient our desires so that we may more fully live for and love the Lord Jesus Christ.

Lenten Services

Christ Church NYC invites you to join us for Lent and Easter Services. 

“He is not here, for he has risen, as he said!”  

Matthew 28:6

Lenten Reading

We hope you will find this guide helpful to you as you read, fast, and pray during Lent. You can use this guide online, or download and print it off at home. Feel free to share and distribute this guide. 

2025 Lenten Hymns included in the Devotional via Spotify